Meridians and energy points
Whether during a session of Tuina Chinese massage or acupuncture, your practitioner works on specific energy points, called acupuncture points, which are located on the path of the meridians. He applies manual techniques chosen according to the desired effect.
On this page, you can select a specific meridian to view its description, its illustrated path, as well as the different acupuncture or energy points which are part of it. There are the 12 main meridians, 2 extraordinary vessels, as well as a separate section dedicated to extraordinary points.
You can click on each of the acupuncture points listed (more than 200 points identified) in order to have access to the illustrated location of the point as well as its therapeutic functions and clinical indications in Chinese massage in particular.
The unit of measurement used to locate points in traditional Chinese medicine is the cun (pronounced 'tsun'). For information, 1 cun corresponds to the width (of the last phalanx) of the thumb of the patient's hand on which we wish to locate a point.
If you already have a specific point in mind, you can use the search bar below fo direct access