Addiction and Chinese massage Tuina

Overcoming your addiction with Tuina massage

L'addiction is a pathology which is based on the repeated consumption of a product or the abnormally excessive practice of a behavior which will lead to a loss of control of the level of consumption or practice and to a modification of the emotional balance. It may be the tobacco, of the'alcohol, of the drugs or even food with regard to the product in question, the gambling addiction where the time spent on social networks in terms of practice. We will see together how Tuina massage can help get rid of your addiction.


Chinese massage treatment

In Chinese massage Tuina, addiction will be treated by working on several acupuncture points chosen according to the diagnosis. Point Shuaigu (see his presentation at the end of the article) will certainly be part of the protocol. It will support the determination of the person who wishes to quit smoking, for example.

We will pair it with the acupuncture point Taixi which is the Yuan point belonging to the Kidney meridian. The latter will help in taking action. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Yuan 'Source' point corresponds to the place of passage of the Yuan Qi 'original Qi' of the organ or viscera to which it belongs. Yuan points act directly on the organ or viscera to which they belong, hence their importance in Tuina massage or acupuncture.

Then, depending on the diagnosis and the addiction to be treated, we will add other Yuan points in order to restart the functions of the organs. For a food addiction, we will add Taibai which is the Yuan point of Spleen meridian, for an addiction to a drug, we will add Taiyuan which is the Yuan point of Lung meridian and finally for a behavioral addiction, we will add the point Shenmen 'Door of the Spirit' which is the Yuan point of Heart meridian.

Food addiction

The choice of acupuncture points to massage is essential.

The effectiveness of the massage will depend on it.

It often happens that following the first sessions, the harmful effects of addiction are increased tenfold. For example, if a person wants to quit smoking lights a cigarette, they will feel a deep disgust while smoking which should help them lose their desire to smoke. It happens that when the person manages to quit smoking, it causes negative side effects that will have to be taken into account. It may be a heightened irritability, in which case we will add points such as Taichong (Liver Yuan point) which calms the yang. There may be coughing fits with production of mucus because the body will evacuate it to purify itself, in this case we will add Fenglong which is used to eliminate phlegm. If following smoking cessation, the person has a strong desire to eat, we will add Neiting which regulates the Intestines.

This gives you a fairly precise idea of how the points are chosen in order to have good results by adapting to the person's condition.

Point Shuaigu 'Main Valley'

Point belonging to Gallbladder meridian, this acupuncture point treats ear conditions as well as unilateral headaches, heaviness of the head (migraines). It is also used to treat food addictions (sugar, alcohol, bulimia, etc.), addiction to inhalants (tobacco, drugs, etc.), addiction to medications as well as behavioral addictions (video games, sexual, etc.). Indeed, this acupuncture point works on the determination.

Shuaigu - 8VB - Gallbladder Meridian - Acupuncture point


In the temple region, located 1.5 cun above the tip of the ear


  • Chase away the cold wind
  • Has beneficial effects on the head and relieves pain
  • Harmonizes the diaphragm and stomach and calms vomiting
  • Treats alcohol poisoning


  • Ear pathologies
  • Side headaches and dizziness
  • Incessant vomiting, diaphragm pain, inability to eat
  • Alcohol disorders with vomiting and dizziness

Take care of yourself 🙏🏼

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Simo Benadada

Praticien en médecine chinoise, je me fais un plaisir de partager avec vous autour du massage chinois TuiNa et de l'acupuncture

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