Natural remedies from Traditional Chinese Medicine with many benefits

Here is a presentation of the 2 balms which I use to massage and which are made by myself in an artisanal way. These are obtained after at least 4 weeks of maceration. You will find more details on how to prepare them at the bottom of this page.

Chinese balm Simo

The balm 'Simo' is a mixture of 18 Chinese plants whose main actions are:
- circulate water and resolve edema,
- circulate the blood,
- activate the Qi,
- chase away wind and humidity.
This balm allows tissues to get rid of pathogens and nourishes them, which contributes to a recovery and to a faster healing.
He relieved THE joint and muscle pain.
He soothes THE sprains.

Chinese Winter Balm

The 'Winter' balm is a mixture of 8 Chinese herbs, the main actions of which are:
- chase away wind, cold and humidity,
- calm the pain,
- relax the tendons.
This is used in people who have sensitivity to cold such as joint or lower back pain (especially during winter).

Lotion Simo

There lotion 'Simo' has the same composition as the balm 'Simo', it therefore has the same main actions. The difference lies in the fact that this lotion is obtained by percolation which makes it very concentrated in active ingredients.
I use it to accompany the treatment of a tendonitis For example.



Handmade Chinese plant balm Simo

Chinese balm Simo

Winter Chinese balm pot

Chinese balm Winter

Lotion Simo

Lotion Simo



Preparation of an alcoholic maceration

There are different ways to prepare an alcoholic maceration.

Simple mix

The simple mixture is the most basic preparation. It is simple and quick and gives a slightly concentrated mixture. It simply involves taking the ground plants and mixing them with alcohol to obtain a paste which will be applied to the area to be treated.

Mother tincture

For the mother tincture, I pour the mixture of ground plants into alcohol. I put everything in an opaque jar that I close and protect from light. I will mix it from time to time and let it macerate for several days. After 3 weeks, I can filter my mixture.

The limitation of this technique is that I put plants that have different properties in the same jar. Some will be taken right away and once the alcohol is saturated with active ingredients, plants that take longer to take may not undergo the extraction of the desired plant components.


This is the best preparation method which allows the maximum amount of active substances to be extracted from a maximum number of plants.

A first step in pre-digestion of the plants will consist of putting the plants in a very wide and shallow container and watering them with alcohol so that they are wet without being swallowed up. I cover everything so that it no longer breathes and I let it sit for 24 hours.

The next step will take a lot of time. In fact, I will have to place the plant grounds obtained on a brown coffee filter, cover it with a second filter and then pour alcohol (unmodified, at 70°) on top and which I will recover once it has 'he will have crossed the plants.
To do this I can place everything in a bottle from which I have removed the lower part. I unscrew the cap slightly so that it starts to drip. The flow rate obtained should be 1 drop per second.

This method takes a lot of time, however the product obtained is highly concentrated in active ingredients.

Preparation of an oily maceration

There are different ways to prepare an oily maceration.

Simple maceration

I mix my plants with oil and heat the whole thing to a temperature of around 35° to promote absorption. This is important because oils poorly absorb active substances from plants. Then I close my opaque jar and place it next to a heat source like a radiator. This will allow the plants to dilute in the oil. Every day for 1 month, I take out my jar to shake the mixture and I put it away again.

All I have to do now is filter my oil.

Maceration with alcoholic intermediate

In this case, I will proceed in the same way as for simple maceration, following the plant pre-digestion step used for percolation (see above) and waiting 2 hours instead of 24 hours. This pre-digestion stage will break down the plants which will then be more assimilable.


To do this, simply take its previously prepared oily maceration. I'm going to reheat it over a very low heat so as not to denature the oily macerate and I'm going to add beeswax. Then I mix until a homogeneous liquid is obtained then I pour everything into my glass jars.

I let it cool and here is my ointment gelled and ready to use.

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