Chinese cupping in Courbevoie

The use of suction cups has become popular since the American swimmer Michael Phelps appeared with the impressive marks left on his back by the latter. Other athletes such as footballer Luka Modrić or combat sports practitioners use it regularly to promote their recovery. Their use is appreciable during a sports massage SO.

That said, you should know that the practice of cupping in Chinese medicine dates back several hundred years. In general, I use them at the end of a Chinese massage Tuina to increase the benefits of the session tenfold but I can sometimes also use them directly.

Action of Chinese cupping

THE therapeutic Chinese cupping operate by a suction mechanism created by a vacuum. The vacuum can be generated either using a flame, which through the combustion of oxygen, creates a vacuum, or by a pump. The process of attraction of the skin by the underpressure inside the cup produces movement of liquids. The influx of blood which manifests itself in the region of the body treated eliminates pathogenic factors such as humidity, excess heat or wind (called perverse energies in traditional Chinese medicine).

In practice there are several forms of application of Chinese cupping which can be classified into 2 main families:

  1. The so-called methods static for which the suction cups are placed on a specific point of the body and remain immobile.
  2. The so-called methods dynamic where the suction cups are moved following the application of vegetable oil or a Chinese balm (prepared with different plants) which will allow sliding.

Chinese glass cupping

Benefits of Chinese cupping

There Chinese cupping therapy has many benefits:

  • Strengthening the immune system by stimulating energy and blood circulation. The action of cupping helps to remove the perverse energies at the origin of the disease
  • Relief from muscle pain and tension. Chinese cupping helps dissolve internal blockages, thus relieving muscle tension and pain.
  • Tissue detoxification. Cupping massages help eliminate toxins accumulated in certain areas of the body
  • Muscle toning. Certain types of massage using suction cups help to strengthen the stomach and improve the silhouette

Chinese cupping therapy is a way to preserve immune defenses by restoring operation balance And harmonious of the organism.


Chinese plastic suction cups

Detoxification process using Chinese cupping

A poor diet, excess emotions (joy, rumination, sadness, fear, anger) or a lack of physical exercise result in imbalances within the body leading to mood instability. But our body is designed to function in a state of stability and balance. Imbalances cause a weakening of our vital energy called Qi.

Therapy by chinese cupping rests on theopening of pores of the skin, allowing detoxify the body. The influx of local blood to the treated area of the body causes congestion, draining pathogenic factors deep into the surface of the skin. This type of treatment allows unblock the blockages in order to restore smooth blood circulation And harmonious.

Chinese cupping therapy, also used among athletes under the name of cupping therapy offers a detoxification of body fluids in order to restore a harmonious circulation of energy. This practice is close to the 'Hijama' called dry which consists of placing the suction cups without carrying out bleeding beforehand.

Many conditions can be treated by chinese cupping which will have both general and local action.

Cupping treatments can sometimes cause small bruises Or redness after treatment. The area of the body may then be slightly sore for a few days. However, these effects fade quickly over time.

Cupping massage is not therapeutic in nature and does not replace medical monitoring.

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