Path of the Dumai meridian - Governing Vessel

The Dumai meridian will begin in the center of the small pelvis, the internal genital tract.
It descends and exits through the perineum at the point Huiyin (which is a point of Renmai meridian).
Then it goes backwards, passes through the coccyx, crosses the sacrum midline and goes up along the lumbar spine, midline.
At the height of the kidneys, it sends a branch to the kidneys.
Then it continues its journey all along the spine to the base of the skull.
There is a point just below the base of the skull called Fengfu where it sends a branch to the brain.
It will continue and cross the entire skull from back to front, the forehead in the middle, it passes between the 2 eyebrows, through the middle of the nose, through the middle between the nose and the upper lip and will end at the point Yinjiao which is located on the frenulum of the upper lip (between the upper lip and the gum, therefore in the mouth).

Path of the Dumai meridian - Governing Vessel

Meridians and acupuncture points
Illustrated book: 183 points


Acupuncture points of the Dumai meridian - Governing Vessel



Description of the Dumai meridian - Governing Vessel

Also called the governing vessel (director).
It is said that it regulates the Qi and the blood of all the yang meridians is the sea of yang meridians.
It will govern genital functions, especially in men (but not only).
It is directly linked to the functions of the kidney, will be systematically linked to the marrow (the essence) and the brain = nervous system (cerebro-spinal system) in modern medicine.

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